119th place
346 points
Challenge | Category | Value | Time |
Speedometer ArbId | ICSim | 50 | |
Unlock my door | ICSim | 50 | |
Mac Track! | Vehicle OSINT | 125 | |
Imported when? | Vehicle OSINT | 50 | |
Manufactured at? | Vehicle OSINT | 20 | |
Make and model | Vehicle OSINT | 10 | |
Finding a VIN | Vehicle OSINT | 10 | |
Message Frequency | Getting Started | 5 | |
Data Field 2 | Getting Started | 5 | |
Data Field 1 | Getting Started | 5 | |
Founding Fathers | OSINT | 5 | |
Arbitration | Getting Started | 5 | |
Can you find the interface? | Getting Started | 5 | |
what is a great default password? | OSINT | 1 |